
Enterprise customers can integrate Bland within their existing Twilio Studio Flows, allowing seamless transitioning in and out of existing telephony infrastructure.


  • Your own Twilio account
  • An Existing Twilio Studio Flow hooked up to a Twilio phone number
  • A Bland Pathway

Step 1: Bland Twilio Setup

  1. Create an encrypted_key on the same Twilio account that your Studio Flow is hooked up to using the “BYOT” page in the Dev Portal.
  2. Import the phone-number(s) that the Studio Flow is hooked up to through.

Step 2: Twilio Studio Flow Setup

  1. Add a “twiml-redirect” widget to the flow where you want to transition to Bland.
  2. Name this widget EXACTLY “bland_widget”.
  3. Change the url field to the following: https://us.api.bland.ai/incoming?encrypted_key=YOUR_ENCRYPTED_KEY&param=YOUR_PARAM
  • You MUST add the encrypted key associated with step 2. Any additional parameters will be populated as variables in the Bland Pathway.

This will transition the call to Bland from a studio flow. To transition out of Bland, you’ll need to add a “Twilio Studio Flow” node within the Bland Pathway.

Step 3: Transitioning out of Bland back to Studio Flow (optional)

  1. Add a “Twilio Studio Flow” node where you’d like to transition out of Bland.
  2. Follow the instructons in the studio flow node to complete the full setup.