Conversational Pathways
- GETGet All Pathways Information
- GETGet Single Pathway Information
- POSTCreate Pathway
- POSTUpdate Pathway
- DELDelete Pathway
- Pathway Chat
- Pathway Versions
- Pathway Folders
Vector Knowledge Bases
Custom Tools
Web Agents
Custom Twilio Accounts
- POSTCreate Organization
- DELDelete Organization
- GETGet Organization
- GETGet Organization Members
- GETGet Organization's Current Service Version
- GETList Organization's Service Versions
- PATCHUpdate Organization's Service Version
- PATCHUpdate Organization Members
- PATCHUpdate Organization Member Permissions
- PATCHUpdate Organization Properties
- GETGet User Organization Memberships
- DELLeave Organization
- GETGet Organization Billing Information
- GETGet Organization Billing Refill Information
Get Post Call Webhook
Get the post call webhook data for a specific call.
curl --request GET \
--url{call_id} \
--header 'authorization: <authorization>'
"data": {
"payload": {},
"url": "<string>",
"created_at": "<string>",
"call_id": "<string>",
"user_id": "<string>",
"metadata": [
"sent_at": "<string>",
"response_code": 123,
"response_time": "<string>",
"send_type": "<string>"
"errors": [
"error": "<string>",
"message": "<string>"
Retrieve the post call webhook data for a specific call using its call ID. This endpoint returns the webhook data that was sent when the call completed.
Your org API key for authentication.
Path Parameters
The unique identifier of the call to get the webhook data for.
The post call webhook and send history for this call.
The post call webhook payload, contains information about the call.
The URL the payload inforamtion was sent to
Timestamp of when the webhook was first sent
The call ID associated with this webhook
The ID of the org this webhook was sent from
Array of objects containing metadata about webhook spawns, creates, and resends. Each object has the following properties:
Timestamp of when this webhook attempt was sent
HTTP response code received from the webhook endpoint
Time taken to receive a response from the webhook endpoint, appended with “ms”
How this webhook was triggered. Can be:
- “resend”: Webhook was manually resent
- “create”: Webhook was recreated outside normal flow
- “spawn”: Webhook was created by normal call flow
curl --request GET \
--url{call_id} \
--header 'authorization: <authorization>'
"data": {
"payload": {},
"url": "<string>",
"created_at": "<string>",
"call_id": "<string>",
"user_id": "<string>",
"metadata": [
"sent_at": "<string>",
"response_code": 123,
"response_time": "<string>",
"send_type": "<string>"
"errors": [
"error": "<string>",
"message": "<string>"