Get Organization
Retrieve details of an organization.
Your API key for authentication.
Path Parameters
The unique identifier of the organization to retrieve.
The details of the organization.
The unique identifier of the organization.
The unique slug identifier of the organization.
The display name of the organization.
URL of the organization’s image (if set).
The organization’s plan. Default: "starter"
The timestamp of when the organization was created.
The KYC (Know Your Customer) verification level. Default: 0
The placement group of the organization. Default: "blandshared"
Whether the organization is deleted. Default: false
Whether the organization has overdue Stripe payments. Default: false
Whether the organization is suspended. Default: false
The organization’s request rate limit. Default: 5
The type of the organization. Default: "normal"
A list of entitlements granted to the organization. Default: []
Whether the organization prefers to use the Bland URL. Default: true
Always null
on success.