Create Organization
Create a new organization.
Your API key for authentication.
The name of the organization.
The created organization details.
A unique identifier for the organization.
A randomly generated unique slug for the organization.
The display name of the organization.
URL of the organization’s image (if set).
The organization’s plan. Default: "starter"
The timestamp of when the organization was created.
The KYC (Know Your Customer) verification level. Default: 0
The placement group of the organization. Default: "blandshared"
Whether the organization is deleted. Default: false
Whether the organization has overdue Stripe payments. Default: false
Whether the organization is suspended. Default: false
The organization’s request rate limit. Default: 5
The type of the organization. Default: "normal"
A list of entitlements granted to the organization. Default: []
Whether the organization prefers to use the Bland URL. Default: true
Contains error details if the request fails.