Create Subaccount
Provision a new subaccount with separate billing, access and usage.
Your API key for authentication.
Moves a portion of your API credit balance to the newly created subaccount.
The balance must be a positive integer that is at least 10, and less than your current account balance.
Special per-minute pricing plans carry over automatically to the subaccount, while increased rate limits do not.
Unused credits can be reclaimed later with the subaccount’s balance if needed.
The first name of the user who will be using the subaccount.
The last name of the user who will be using the subaccount.
Whether you will be able to log in to the subaccount through the Dev Portal at
This enables you to set up credit card information, view and monitor usage, and further manage the subaccount as needed.
The subaccount user will not be able to log into the Dev Portal unless you explicitly enable it by adding them as an Authorized User.
Whether the subaccount creation succeeded.
The unique identifier for the newly created subaccount.
The API key that the new subaccount can use to authenticate requests.
This is the only information that the subaccount user will need to start using the API.
Do not use this as an identifier for the subaccount, since it can be rotated.